Lakland USA 55-94


Product Details

Lakland USA 55-94 - Second Hand 

The 55-94 was Lakland's first 5-string bass, and it set the standard for what a boutique 5-string should be. Designed to reside squarely between an American classic and a modern favorite, the 55-94 Deluxe is a tone machine that genre hops at your leisure. The coil-split MM bridge humbucker delivers fat, punchy modern rock tones as well as classic single-coil growl, while the J-style single-coil neck pickup offers up a sound that is firmly rooted in the vintage side of things. Tonally, the 55-94 Deluxe is a home run, but it's the uber-comfortable, graphite-reinforced neck that really makes for a sublime playing experience instrument. The 55-94 Deluxe is the culmination of the finest electric bass features of all time, but refined and tweaked to Lakland's standards.

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