Ibanez EHB1505MS



Product Details

Second hand

Superior style. Electric performance. It's time to light up the stage without limitations. The Ibanez EHB1505MS Bass Workshop has all the features you need for liquid fast riffing, lightning energy and experimental play - and you get all this while looking slick. The headless construction offers ultimate comfort and freedom while performing. Nothing can stop you. The balance and lightweight feel mean that you can play for longer so your genius won't be restricted.

Experience limitless sound. The fanned frets give you the power of a steamy multiscale. Introducing an out of this world playing experience that encourages you to release the creativity that's ready to explode. This ultimate weapon comes with a detachable finger ramp and truss rod in a neck position for effortless speed teamed with luminescent side dot inlays that give visibility on a dark stage. The possibilities of your sound are endless. Unlock your performance potential.

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